Chillingham Public School

Success through teamwork

Telephone02 6679 1255

Chilligum community preschool

Chillingham residents are fortunate to have such a great preschool service on their doorstep! An experienced and caring staff, and a homely atmosphere ensure that the little people have every opportunity to have fun, learn and blossom.

The preschool participates in our annual Easter Hat Parade, Community Christmas Carols and other events that occur. During the year we pop over to the Preschool and 'Buddy read' to our little friends. We invite the Preschool over for playdates on our playground equipment. 

After a very successful initiative in 2018  the "Buddy Reading" program continues each year. K/1/2 with their newly acquired reading skills, visit the Preschool to read with the preschoolers. This give the new Kinder students an opportunity to catch up with their friends from Preschool.

This is the perfect opportuinty to acknowledge the great job the Preschool does preparing students for school. The students arrive ready to learn and play. They are settled and confident with many literacy and numeracy skills on board. Early intervention support programs have also been established where necessary.

Thank you for making this transition to 'Big School' seamless for for these little people. The first of many successes to come!