Incursion with children's author Lisa Tiffen

Library and Home reading
All students are encouraged to read on a daily basis. In addition to our extensive library, each class has a wide range of appealing books for the students to borrow overnight.
Here at Chillingham Public School, we pride our library on being a warm and cosy place where we can escape our busy days to simply enjoy some quiet and valuable reading time. Libraries are an essential resource to support teaching and learning in all key areas and we are proud to boast that our library is accessible to all, inviting, well resourced (with over 6000 books) and well used! One of our main aims is for each and every student to foster a love of reading, despite reading levels, personal interests and learning styles.

Each week, all students keenly head downstairs with their school library bags ready for whatever adventure their next books takes them on. Students return previously borrowed books, browse the shelves, borrow new books, enjoy some independent reading time or share reading with a friend. Students also learn how the library operates by deepening their knowledge of; the features of books, the differences between fiction and non-fiction, alphabetical order, the Dewey Decimal System and how to research using books as well as the Internet. Students take responsibility for the library by creating shared expectations of how the library is to be used, using 'Oliver' (the NSW Schools online library system) to find and borrow books and keeping the library by shelving and organising the space at the end of each lesson.
Throughout the year, several exciting big ticket Library items occur:
- We celebrate Book Week with different events like a fancy dress parade or a visit from a local author.
- We fundraise for new books and accessories with our Scholastics Book Fair.
- We promote home reading via the participation of the Premier's Reading Challenge.
- We join the ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime.
During Library lessons, students also love listening to stories read by the teacher as they experience a range of books they may not have thought to read themselves. This year students in Kindy, 1 and 2 have enjoyed listening to a number of Nick Bland and Aaron Blabey books and are now listening to chapter books from the Aussie Nibble series. Our Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 students have enjoyed listening to Judy Blume books, books from the Deltora Quest series and are now hearing what happen when Mary Poppins returns.
Kindy and Year 1 and 2 students visit the school library on Wednesdays and are encouraged to borrow two books a week.
Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 students visit the library on Fridays and are also encouraged to borrow two books a week. Some avid readers borrow more than two books and some readers reborrow after a week when they have not finished a book. Students choose their own books however if they require some help with this this the Library Teacher is there to assist. Overdue notices are sent home to gently remind students to look for and return their books and holiday borrowing is facilitated sometimes at the discretion of the Library Teacher.
This year we have been very fortunate to have support from one of our family helpers. We are very grateful for all of the help with shelving, covering books and sorting; and for her warm welcome smile.
Suzy Mason
Library Teacher