English study is mandatory in NSW from Kindergarten to Year 12.
Year 3/4 Imperative Verbs and Adverbs in Action!
Year 3/4 students have had a fun time learning about imperative verbs this last week. We started our lesson with a catchy song and added actions to help us remember how these verbs give commands. Next, half of the students created a dice with adverbs, while the other half made a dice with imperative verbs. They teamed up with a partner and rolled their dice, leading to some funny combinations - students walked dreamily, stamped excitedly, walked cheerfully, stamped angrily and sang rapidly. This helped them understand the importance of using imperative verbs and adverbs when giving instructions, which will be essential for creating procedures for our unit this term. Can you guess which imperative verb and adverb the students are presenting?
Students learn about the English language through written, spoken and visual texts of increasing complexity as they progress through their schooling.
An understanding of the English language is central to how we communicate and essential for intellectual, social and emotional development.
The study of English should develop a love of literature and learning and be challenging and enjoyable. It develops skills to enable students to experiment with ideas and expression, to become active, independent and lifelong learners, to work with each other and to reflect on their learning.
To become proficient readers, students must have time to read, and be read to, on a daily basis. This is a key component of our English program. It occurs in the following ways:
- Home Reading Program Students from Kindergarten to Year 6, borrow texts (at their reading level) on a daily basis to read at home with their families.
- Buddy Reading Program As illustrated in the image above, older students listen to and model reading to the younger students from Kindergarten to Year 2. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays each week, for 15 minutes before lunch, students share this valuable time.
- Modelled Reading is a essential aspect of reading in the K12 classroom to explicitly teach the strategies for decoding text and making meaning written communications, connecting it to the students world.
- Daily 5 strategy Teachers use this model in all classes, which includes a 'Read to Someone' time; individual conferencing and guided instruction on reading strategies.
- Weekly borrowing from the Library provides students with an extensive range of books to borrow. Mrs Mason was very proud of the students achieving a 100% borrowing rate on several occasions last year.