Chillingham Public School

Success through teamwork

Telephone02 6679 1255

Canteen Capers

Canteen reopens Friday May 29

The canteen service for students and staff reopens on Friday 29th May. Its great that it's open again after all the hard work repairing the damage sustained in Term 1.

Click her for the full MENU.


 Well done and thank you to the committee and parents, who have worked so hard.  The attached certificate is recognition of the excellent service provided, particularly this year with floods and repairs to the building. 

The canteen is open on Fridays run by volunteers, generally from the parent body. Regardless of the number of days open regulations and organisation are the same as it is for larger schools with a larger committee to share the load. 

Our Canteen Committee do a wonderful job of planning, rostering and shopping to provide this much loved service to the staff and students. The full report is available for your information.